Quebec Arrima Expression Of Interest Draw: Province Invites 506 Canada Immigration Candidates Quebec immigration has issued invitations to 506 candidates in a new draw through the Arrima Expression of Interest system. The March 10 draw required a minimum score of 77...
News & Upates
British Columbia Conducts Multi-Stream Canada Immigration Draws, Issues More Than 200 Invitations
British Columbia has issued more than 200 invitations in new draws through multiple streams of the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program. The March 22 draws were split into three broad categories: general, targeted and entrepreneur. In the general draw, which...
Ontario Express Entry Skilled Trades Draw: Province Issues 471 Canada Immigration NOIs
Ontario has conducted a new draw through the Express Entry Skilled Trades Stream, issuing 471 Canada immigration Notifications of Interest in The March 24 draw targeted candidates with Comprehensive Ranking System scores in the range of 350 to 600. Candidates were...